Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Next Chapter in my life... to be or not to be a... Talent Agent or Manager.

So I ended my last blog with what I wanted to do... so now on to the easy part, right? WRONG!
So after my trip to Europe, while I was working full-time with summer camps, in all of my spare time I was looking on ways to get to be a talent agent.
In the city where I am currently living, there are 2 talent agencies. 1 of them is dedicated to models and only hire family within - they do not even offer internships to outsiders, and the other agency basically went out of business and after 0ver 50 phone calls and emails later, I decided that if an agency is that hard to get a hold of... they obviously are not going to be a good agency to work for.
So my search had to go to google.ca - and low and behold: Toronto, Ontario and Vancouver, British Columbia are the cities to look into it.
So I started emailing agencies, every day! I sent out probably atleast 10-15 emails a day expressing interested as a talent agent, or a talent agent assistant, or just simply inquiring on the "how to be a talent agent..." out of all the emails I sent - I received a total of 3 emails from a few of the agencies I contacted. Instead of feeling deflated, I was elated.
I was finally getting somewhere! I couldn't ask for more!
Since the agencies who contacted me were not hiring at the time, it gave me the opportunity to just ask questions, how to get in the business, what programs to study in school, how the business works....
1. this is the industry of selling people - not for illegal reasons of any kind. But, essentially - that is exactly what it is. You are trying to sell your client to casting directors, producers, directors, managers, other talent agents, etc. You have to digg your heels, claws, stiletto heels and get their attention and make your client sound beyond fantastic... and you have to do it to the point where its interesting and not boring! not only are you trying to sell your client, but so are 50 other agents or managers trying to do the exact same thing.
2. There is not a program in any college or university to get a "Talent Agent" degree... yet. So that is where I hit a bit of a snag, but a post-secondary education in Business, marketing, communications is a very good idea to have. Also a law degree is also a major plus. I, myself, have a diploma in Business Marketing Management and Communications. I am also still considering law school, but first I wanted to get some work experience under my belt before I take another 4 year law school degree.
3. Thinking outside the box - critical thinking and solution making is very important in this business. You need to think, and be a smark, quick thinker. Anything can spring up on you. It is very important to be that person.

So after the more or less unsuccessful emails and some occasional phone calls (this was long distance for me at the time) I decided to really do a lot of research on my own.
Like I said before, in 2004, I briefly looked online for any job descriptions and requirements needed to be a talent agent, and back then there was a lot less information on the career choice. Still to this day, there are millions of websites and books and contacts on how to be a actor, and what talent agents look for in an actor, but very little on how to be a talent agent.
Most agents were former actors themselves, not necessarily former either, they also are still very much in the acting scene, but just have divided their time between signing clients and getting them work and getting themselves work.
many websites were very useful to me:
any of those websites really give you an idea on what agencies are looking for and where to start your client search.

The one big "snag" I landed on, is where to start... how do I start to become a talent agent...
stay tuned friends :) I will explain what I did to get started in my dream to become a talent agent...

Monday, October 19, 2009

"You think you know a story..."

Hello there,
My name is Cristina, but I also answer to Tia. Why? I really do not like the nickname Tina (what? am I 12 years old?) and I also despise the nickname "Crissy". I mean seriously? I might as well be playing in the sand box, and have pigtails. Not that I object to sand boxes or pigtails, as I recall... I had a great childhood full of pigtailness and playing sandman. Good times.
However; my nickname is Tia and my real name is Cristina.
Why did I start a blog?
Well I have recently come to terms what I want to do with my life, and I wanted to start from the beginning.
I would like to blog my experience about this. I personally feel that with this decision I have made, it will make it all worthwhile in the end.
and maybe, just maybe, someone will learn from my experiences and I will be able to help someone.
Or rather, someone will smile at my stupidity and quirkiness.
Consider yourself forewarned...

So to start at the beginning... as of right now in my 23 years of life, I have dedicated myself in the thought that I would live in Canada, become a elementary school teacher and/or high school teacher. Possibly meet the man of my dreams, get married and then have the 2.5 children in the big house in the suburbs of the big city... realistically - absolutely not. If any of my family or friends ever read this - they would laugh and say I am full of bull shiat...
The truth is - my whole 23 years of life (so old I know... ;) I have been told I would be a great teacher. So that was more or less thrust upon me. I, of course, went along with it because I thought that is what one does. My mothers opinion always matter, still really matters, which is why this blog might be sad sometimes, angry others, happy with a little of smile with a cherry on top.
So during high school - as tough as it was - I had my dark moments as any teenage girl. Not as dark as the girls in the movie "Thirteen", Those girls were beyond messed up. I highly encourage every high school or junior high school to have a school assmbly on this movie - I was scarred for life after watching this movie and I also encourage any parent who wishes to have children to watch this movie - you might want to reconsider... I certainly did.
As I was saying, during high school - my parents and family and friends, were always saying "Cristina, you will be an amazing teacher" So I naturally believed them. However; I was always fascinated with the idea of being in the world of film and television. To be on a set, or at a production company. I, of course, kept it to myself - it seemed so silly - what would a girl like me be doing on a film set? obsurd right? So I put the idea at the back of my mind... thinking "Just do what everyone else does..."
So in high school, I participated in some theatre productions at the local community theatre. I loved to be part of the cast and crew. It is like a small family there. I did not do it very often because I could feel the weight of my parents disapproval. Even though my mother and father often told me to do what I love and what makes me happy - their disapproving looks often told me otherwise and it would put me in the direction they wanted me to follow.
Sports and Athletics was a HUGE part of my childhood - emphasize of "HUGE". I was only allowed sports. I joined Sparks and Brownies and tired Girl Guides at one point, but when I did not like it, I was forced into sports. I personally would have liked to take theatre or acting classes or maybe take up a instrument, but again - my parents will won over.
So I grew up playing soccer, softball and swimming.
Swimming was a sport I loved, I was pretty good at it. Ended up going competitive. It turned out to be a little overwelming and I decided to not swim every morning at 4:30am... not pleasant.
I continued to swim though until I was old enough to start going into the levels to be a lifeguard, which is what my mother and father wanted. I was not allowed to work in fast-food or retail, my parents would never hear of it. The lifeguard jobs in Ontario, paid very well and it was what my parents approved of.
Lifeguarding turned out to be almost like my second family - my second party animal, introduction to many fun and exciting things in high school and my post-secondary eductation family - and I thank God for them every day! They drive me crazy, but I love them all anyway :) some more than others. They have been great friends for me for years, so it is wonderful to still have them in my life. Lifeguarding is also where I was introduced to teaching swimming lessons and hence the whole "you will be an excellent teacher..." and I just bought all of it.
Along with lifeguarding, I was still playing soccer... soccer was touch and go. I loved it, until my parents wanted me to play competitive... then I didn't love it. at all. The politics, the players (my so-called-friends, everything. Playing competitive soccer nearly ruined everything about me... it was not a good thing... I eventually quit, and it destroyed my relationship with my father (LONG story... not very interesting...) I started coaching soccer for children and youth (again this was on my path to be a teacher...) I was naturally good at it!
So finally high school is over and post-secondary starts....
My post-secondary education was unusual. Now most ordinary people my age would be done WAY earlier than myself... not me ;)
Originally I wanted to backpack across Australia and New Zealand with a very close friend of mine. My mother expressed her immense disappoitment in this, and I ended up staying and going to school - to this day - I am not as close as I was to the individual who I was supposed to travel with, and for that - I am sorry.
First - I start in college in Early Childhood Education. That lasted 2 weeks, I hated it. That course was designed to be an opening ground for those who want to be in nursery schools and preschool. Not teaching high school like I originally thought I wanted.
So then I switch out and instead of dropping out for the semester (which is what most people do, I imagine), I switched to a program called "Media and Communications" and low and behold... I loved it. It was a stepping stool for what is now what I want to do with my life.
One of the assignments that had started all of this for me, was: "Talent Agent". My assignment was to write the roles and responsibilities of a talent agent and create a mock business proposal for a talent agent. It was fun, exhilerating, challenging and I loved it. This was in 2004 and I still have the paper. I did quite well on it too ;)
Needless to say, I kept my enthusium and interest to myself because the one thing I knew was certain... my parents would not approve of this at all.
Not to mention, where on earth would I start. I remember at the time, simply out of curiousity - checking online to see if there was a program you can take for potential Talent Agents. As you can probably guess - no such luck.
So this semester goes by, and my parents convince it would be a good idea to go to University of Ottawa. So off to University of Ottawa I go.
To this date: I am constantly encouraging those 16-17 year olds to go away from home to university. It is one of my biggest regrets to this day. Even with the extra expenses. It is most definitely worth it in the end! Even going away for one year and transferring back to school closer to home or in your own home time... it would all be worth it. Simply because my university experience very much consisted of - taking the bus to school (1 hour there and back), going to class, sitting in lectures, sometimes going to library to attempt to study - sometimes going for coffee, taking the bus home and then going to work or home... It was not the best university experience and I would trade it for anything, if I could...
So I have always been very much interested in Greek and Roman Mythology. So I start my university education studying Classical Studies. It was very interesting and I loved it, and then I picked up a minor in World Religions, because I have always been very fascinated in religion in different cultures. It was all very interesting and I ended up graduating with it. With the hopes that I would teach high school with it...
The spring of my university graduation - I decided to save up heaps of money and go to Europe to travel.
Travel has always been a big part of my life. My mother loves to travel, and she often would go with myself and my sister and we would have a great time.
I wanted to do some backpacking. Unfortunately; that did not plan out, so I decided to take a trip on an organized tour - Contiki. It was great! I made some great friends, and had a fantastic time travelling.
It also taught me some things about myself - I realized that I was not happy with my life, and I actually could not stop thinking about that 1 semester program I did back in 2004 and how much I enjoyed it and how much I could be just so amazing at it...
so that summer, I finally made a decision for myself. I turned 23 years old. I was in charge of day camps, and I no longer wanted to have anything to do with teaching.
It took almost the whole summer to tell my mother and she gave me the "I'm very disappointed in you, Cristina" but for once, it didnt grip me to feel incredibly guilty and ashamed as it usually does. For once; I just wanted to try something for myself and just go with it.

So this is going to be the next chapter of my life...
My journey to my career as a Talent Agent.

Stay tuned.