Monday, November 23, 2009

GRC Oscars... and staff holiday parties

I work in Aquatics... It can be a great job! The people I work with are excellent, my supervisors on the other hand... not so much. Infact, one of them in particular... Ugh. I will get into that.
Anyways, so like most work places, we try to have a Holiday Christmas Party.
For the past few years, it was just the pool staff and some of the facility staff, so pretty small.
So on top of going to a restaurant/bar or house party, I decided to spruce it up a little bit.
In high school, there are Grad Oscars, just a fun little activity, but most consider it a "popularity contest"... I wanted to change that. So I decided to run Oscars at my workplace.
Everyone bounced on the idea! So a tradition was born.
Like I said before, until last year it was just Aquatic staff and facility staff, therefore; small.
This year the facility centre has grown enormously. Not only is there Aquatic staff and facility staff, there is fitness staff, personal trainers, customer service staff, public skating staff, and child and youth recreation staff... so pretty much 3 times the normal amount. Which means, I have to come up with more nomination sections!
So with the help of some fellow co-workers, we came up with almost double the selection!
So for the first few days, everyone was really excited!

Then... yesterday when I went to start tallying up the nomination sheets (better to start earlier than later) there were a few nomination sheets that said something like "Oscars are a little harsh this year, whats up with that?!?)


I go out of my way to make sure that the staff HAVE Oscars this year and people have the nerve to say that I made the too harsh?
Honestly; people are WAY too sensitive!
I mean we had the standard sections "Nicest Smile", "Nicest Eyes", but to make it more interesting, we had sections like "Biggest Suck-up", Flakiest Staff" BUT it is ALL in good fun!! it is NOT meant to be taken seriously!!

Ugh! sometimes I wish people would stop complaining and just get over themselves!

That is my two cents on this issue!

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