Saturday, January 23, 2010

Movie thoughts: John Q

John Q.
The message: a parent would do anything for their child.

When this father found out his son was very sick, and he was unable to afford the medicine to save his son, and then when his son needed a heart transplant, but could not afford one because he didn't have the right insurance policy and health benefits.
Unheard... Desperate... Scared
John Q takes measures into his own hands.
He takes a hospital hostage and demands his needs are met.
A true must see.

Friday, January 22, 2010

My thoughts - White Collar Season One.

White Collar.
I have recently discovered this new show (i think it debuted oct 2009?)
I was actually pleasantly surprised.
The show has a unique concept. It is about a criminal who specializes in stealing or making very good fake artwork, or other things of the sort and is put away by this FBI agent who tracked him for 4 years. Finally gets him behind bars. Only to discover that the criminal (who is dangerously good-looking) breaks out of prison from a mysterious good-bye message from his wife with only 3 months left of his 4 year sentence.
The FBI agent catches him again at his newly empty apartment because his wife left him and decided the best way to catch other criminals like him, is to hire him.
So with his very clever way of thinking and ability to catch criminals, he is on the FBI's good side.
But are his intentions just to help the FBI stay on his good side? he says he is no longer looking for his wife, but is he really? look for White Collar on your tv listings :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Today is a new day.

Today is a new day.
Today I woke up and I was no longer gripped by feelings of failure and sadness.
I woke up and finally realized that the recent events that have been taking over my life are just stepping blocks that the universe has in store for me. What that means, I do not know yet. But I`m sure this is just a learning curve for me. Its a test to see if I`m truthful and faithful. I am most definitely have those qualities.
Now with the recent events going on in Haiti and those who are actually hurt, in pain, dead or even worse dying. It embarasses me that I've been so solely focused on myself. I donated money today to Haiti. I also plan on going to Red Cross at some point this week to donate blood for those who need it over there.
If my blood can help, its the least I can do.
I would love the opportunity to go there and help out in the World Relief groups, but unfortunately I have commitments here.
It's nice to not feel so useless and just battered down. For days I was like a walking zombie. My friends and family were beginning to get very concerned because I'm usually upbeat, cheery, just happy in general. So when I'm feeling particularly down or quiet, it really shows and people get concerned quite easily.
It's also a little hard to just have a quiet day, most people get freaked out when I am quiet or have nothing to say. They immediately think I am angry or upset or sad... when in fact, that is not true. I am just feeling in a quiet or mellow mood.
Thats just a fact I am going to have to work on. Most people probably do understand that I'm having an off day, but they still insist I am upset or angry. It's just a little frustrating.
I'm human, people!! Let me go through the emotions most people go through ;)

This picture is beautiful!! I chose it because thats how I was feeling this morning.
Not angry, not unbelievable sad, I even managed to crack a small smile. Something I have not done in a while. It was nice. My brain was numb. I believe it was from all the constant over-thinking and over-analyzing everything. I was in a beautiful spot where there was no sorrow or anger or humiliation.
I was almost in bliss.
For all about 5 minutes than feelings of doubt began creeping in. (frisky little buggers, aren't they?)
So I encourage everyone who is feeling the way I have been feeling to just be at ease. Don't let tomorrows worries be todays. Today is a new day. Start your day in bliss, sheer tranquility bliss, and let yourself go with the flow. If you have school or work, do your every day morning routine, but maybe do something different so it doesn't suggest the same routine you always do. Maybe splurge and buy yourself a coffee and donut if you usually make your own breakfast. It's a fun way to start a new day with something new. If you are low on funds, maybe do your hair differently or make-up. Something people will most likely comment on and be happy for you about. Or maybe try putting a new outfit together.
Then this evening, call some friends and maybe get out of the house.
(I did that last night and saw Avatar, UNBELIEVABLE. I loooved it!)
It worked wonders.

Sending everyone pure tranquility.
Don't let doubt get in the way :)


Outstanding movie.
IMAX 3D highly recommended.

Enough Said.


"Feelings of anger, bitterness, and hate are negative. If I kept them inside me they would spoil my body and health. They are of no use." - Dalai Lama
For the past few days, I have been feeling utterly and completely useless...
I have been feeling sad, humiliated, angry and even more sad.
I read this quote and I think that I have a lot more to live for.
Life is to short for unhappiness and sorrow.
If your feeling sad or angry, take a deep breathe, let the anger and sorrow flow right through you.
It's not worth it.
I've come to the conclusion that I do not need this sadness in my life.
I'm a young woman who is creative, smart and kind. I do not need anyone to make me feel like I am completely useless and not able to be who I am...
Please take it from me. Everyone is worth living and doesn't deserve any unwanted grief in their lives.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What do I do now?

hug my favourite pillow and cry a hundred thousand tears?

... sounds like a plan to me.

Most stressful day of the year and snow.

Apparently yesterday was the noted as the most stressful day of the year.
This explains a lot.
The entire day I was on edge, unhappy and to top it off my work day was just plain awful.
I am seriously hoping the rest of the week goes much better.
oh and it started snowing again this morning.
Ugh. I am so over snow.
Unlike most canadians that I know, I loathe snow.
Sure, its pretty the first snow fall... but after that it doesn't even stay white, its grey and slushy and gross.
and COLD... especially with the windshield.
Oh well, Canada is a great country, right? ;)

Here's hoping for better less stressful and happier days to come :)

Monday, January 18, 2010


Today was not a good day.
I'm sad and confused and battered.
I wish I was strong and things like this did not bother me, but they do bother me, very much so.
More than anything, it is something that I will not be able to deal with and get over with until later this week or even next week...
I feel so incredibly lame right now.
If I let myself, I could cry and probably not be able to stop... but what good would that do?
I've have some wonderful friends who have been just so fantastic giving me kind words of encouragement and love.
It's really important to have friends and family like that out there.
How else can we be the best we can bem and not wilt in sorrow?

I'll try to think positive and I really do hope for the best.

Sleepless in...

It's 5am and I'm WIDE awake.
I have a meeting with my boss today... about some issues that have been brought to attention.
In truth, it needs to be done because there is so much "She said, he said..." going on and it's driving me completely insane.
Problem - I am horrible at confrontation.
I know I'm not in trouble, well 90% sure. I shouldn't be in trouble.

... maybe I should just call in sick?


Words cannot even describe how much I LOOOOOOOVE gLee<3
Actually most refreshing new series that is highly enjoyable.

The best way to describe Glee, it is like a choir club in high school with modern music and real high school issues they must face.
- teen pregnancy - eating disorders - bullying, etc. (I dont want to give away all the perks ;)


I highly recommend it.

From 1-10?
10 ++++++++++

Fame - musical or movie?

Fame, the Musical is beyond amazing. I loved it. I saw one show in my home town where a good friend of mine did such a beyond amazing job as one of the dancers.
All of the actors casted for Fame in the local musical did such a beyond fantastic job. I was enthralled in the performance.
This musical focused mainly on the dancing, since a majority of the actors were trained dancers, and they just cast magic over the audience.
I was truly, truly impressed!

Fame the movie.
When I saw the first trailer for this movie in 2009, I was BEYOND excited.
The trailers made the movie look outstanding (as movie trailers and previews are meant to do)
It looks like the movie was also going to focus on dance as the main part of the movie.
So Fame finally made it to the big screen...
and I have to admit, I was a more than a little disappointed.
The one great thing I have to admit, they casted all unkown actors, which made the high school performing arts school that much more realistic and it was easier to relate to them. Especially to those who want to be in the field.
They did not focus on dance. Which surprised me. Maybe they felt there was too much dance movies out there - Step Up? Step Up 2?, Center Stage and the So you think you can dance seasons, I can see why they did it more focused on the theatew and acting and music part of it.

The movie had the ability to be truly fantastic, but it was missing something. I don't think the movie did well with the critics. They probably felt the same, almost unfulfilled.
It was very fast, they go through 5 years of schooling in the movie time frame, but it was also very impersonal.
When you speak to someone in performing arts, its a deep emotional connection and that is what was missing. Especially when they focused on the theatre and music part of the field. There was no connection to the actors.
I enjoyed the music and the minimal dancing that was in it was good, again not fantastic.
This was a mediocre to good movie.
It did have the ability to be great.
Maybe when they remake this movie within the next 10-20 years, they can get it right :)

My personal opinion and verdict...
Musical Verdict = 10 +
Movie Verdict = 2 +

Happy New Year 2010 (+ 18 days)

Happy New Year :)

This beautiful picture was taken from Miami, Flordia which I went with a friends friends specifically for New Years!
It was such a beautiful sunrise. This picture was taken from a friend of mine, Daniela!
Daniela has to be one of the nicest and bubbliest person I know.
She has a soul made of the purest sunshine. :) I am lucky to have her and some other friends that are like her.
They are the ones that remind you that life is too short to sweat the small stuff! They usually make you feel silly for obsessing over things that really don't need to be obsessed about.

It's important to have friends like that in our lives. They keep it full of beautiful colours and lovely sunshine.
Life is worth the purest sunshine <3

If 2009 wasn't the greatest for you or someone you know or care about.
2010 can be the beginning of beautiful perfect sunrises.
Make it the best it can be! :)

Life is too short.
No regrets :) just pure sunshine<3


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Up - My two cents.

My newest blog subject - movies or novels I've read or written.

I have recently seen the Disney Pixar movie - Up.
I had not heard much about this movie prior to seeing it and I was surprised on how much I liked it.

It's a movie about this man (in the picture) learning how to cope with the loss of his soul mate. He decided to give her, her last wish - to go on this great adventure.

Its cute, qwirky and in my opinion, very well done.
I actually had tears in my eyes when his wife died, and when he was being forced to move into the retirement home. He was refusing to leave his house he built from scratch with his wife. They were trying to tear it down to build a multi-complex. Until a certain accident occurs, he was refusing to move out. Unfortunately he is faced with an ultimatium, move out willingly or be forced.
He chooses option 3, he decided to blow up a million hellium balloons and fly his whole house (with his wife in spirit) to South America!
He meets an annoying little boy who is looking for a father figure. With the two of them facing various obstacles, he realizes he does not have to be alone or unhappy and he becomes a grand-father figure for the little boy scout.
It is a wonderful movie full of great life lessons.
I highly recommend it!

From a scale from 1 - 10
1 - do not see this movie (in my opinion)
10 - a must see!

Verdict = 10 (A++++)
Looved it<3