Saturday, April 10, 2010

Full Luxurious Hair

I have always been a little unlucky with my hair.
When I was a child, I had natural brunette hair with natural highlights that lightened every summer from the sun and endless hours in the local outdoor pool or at the beach.
When I started swimming competitively, my lovely hair was immediately doomed to die a painful death.
Chlorine is probably one of the worst things you can leash on your body. It completely dries up skin, leaving itchy, irritable mess behind, and as I found out the hard way, it can damage hair to the point where you shed hair in your sleep. When I first discovered clumps of hair on my pillows in the morning (I was often up at 5am to go to swim practice) I would notice this about my lovely hair and just cry. I was terrified of going bald and not knowing what to do, I didn't think I could survive the forseeable future torment my schoolmates would have unleashed on me.
My parents bought me every possibly shampoo/conditioner/creme that would not damage hair from chlorine, but unfortunately, there really wasn't any shampoo or conditioner that could protect my hair from all things.
Eventually, I started to swim less and less - school work, boys, friends, family and other other activites got in the way. I thought for sure once I slowed down on swim practices, my hair would come back. Unfortunately, that was not the case... my poor hair never officially grew back to what it was. My hair also never recovered from the constant torture it was under. It just became a dried up brunette colour, not very pretty. 
Luckily, my mom was more than happy to allow me to spruce up my hair with highlights, and other colours to make my hair less damaged looking.
I've always loved the look of really long thick hair. It really was a cute look. 
A couple months ago a friend of mine was telling me about hair extensions she got put in from a salon in town. It was the type of extensions that you knot up and glue in, looks painful and expensive.
I have to admit the extensions did look really good on her and I started researching other ways to get hair extensions without putting more damage to my hair.
and then...
Clip-in hair extensions!!
You simply straighten your hair like you normally would, then you divide your hair in sections, and clip-in hair extensions in the divided areas.
Looks very real and it makes my hair look full and luxurious!

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